Dehydrated Onion

Dehydrated white Onion kibbled/flakes

Dehydrated white Onion chopped

Dehydrated white Onion Minced

Dehydrated white Onion granulated

Dehydrated white Onion powder

product detail

Available standards (TPC) : Standard Bacterial, Low Bacterial, Extra Low Bacterial

We provide custom required specification in desired product.


Dehydrated Garlic

Dehydrated garlic clove

Dehydrated garlic chopped

Dehydrated garlic granulated

Dehydrated garlic grit

Dehydrated garlic powder

product detail

Available standards (TPC) : Standard Bacterial, Low Bacterial, Extra Low Bacterial

We provide custom required specification in desired product.


all spice

Chili powder

Turmeric powder

Whole ginger

Black paper

Whole red chilli

Mix of all whole spices

Mix of all spice powder

product detail

Available standards (TPC) : Standard Bacterial, Low Bacterial, Extra Low Bacterial

We provide custom required specification in desired product.

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